PS3, 720p, new games, prontonic
published on 3/28/2007 9:45 PMGot myself a Playstation 3 on the day it was released (March 23rd). The main reason was to get the Blueray player and watch some nice HD movies. However I discovered that Sony forgot to tell us, the customers, something. The thing is that the PS3 refuses to send out a 720p signal when it comes to blueray movies. So if you have some equipment that doesn't support 1080p/i or just want to see your movies in 720p well then your out of luck. What the PS3 does in that case is to silently change the resolution to an awful 576p so you new shiny and expensive blue ray movie looks like a crappy DVD. I confirmed this with sony and they didn't know if it would be fixed at all. They though so but wasn't sure. Well I got rather annoyed at this and contacted a Swedish news agency with the info and soon enough it was on the frontpage. The [url:article|] is in Swedish for the curious. Not as fun as my old [url:Norwegian database crack|,10801,71894,00.html] but still.
The reported bug is also fixed in the prontonic homeseer plugin. I have sent in a real update package to homeseer so hopefully it will show up on the update page soon.
In the past week we have released a new multi line slot on [url:playnwager|]. You can find it under the slots menu. Quite fun game with some bonus games in it and as usually fully scalable graphics and nice sound effects!
A rather fun discovery I made is that our games actually work on the Playstation 3 inbuilt web browser. So now we unofficially support playing our games on both Wii and Playstation 3. I think we are one of the few that can say that.