Moving and remote controls
published on 1/29/2007 9:51 PMWe have now moved to the new offices. A lot better and safer than the old one was. Took quite a while to move and get everything in place where we wanted it. But now it's done and ordinary work can resume again.
I got my Philips Pronto TSU9600 remote last week but I didn't have any time to play around with it until the weekend. But during the weekend I just had to try to reverse engineer the protocol the Pronto use when it talks with the extenders that you can get. After about a day of work I managed to get the Protonic program up and running as a proof of concept. To show that we can actually get at the commands and thus use them as we see fit. In my case I plan on creating a plugin module to [url:homeseer|] so I can control my X10 and Z-Wave lamps from the remote. Also to get other pointless but fun features like pressing a button on the remote to get the computer to tell the weather. That was another thing I managed to get working. The text to voice on the server so now I can be greeted by the apartment when I get home. Not really sure what I'm going to use that for yet but I'll figure something out.
For the curious you can find a review and a whole bunch of picture of the remote at [url:Automatedhome|]. Personally I really like this remote. It looks good and it feels good in your hand just like a universal remote control should.